Vinyl Vogue - A Labor of Love, Inspired by Music

For Matt Manry, the owner of Vinyl Vogue, music has been a lifelong passion. From a young age, he was captivated by the rich tapestry of classic rock, and his love for music only deepened as he grew older.

It was during his foray into repairing vintage hi-fi gear that Matt rediscovered the magic of vinyl records. He found himself drawn to the warmth and authenticity of the analog sound, and the experience of browsing through record bins at his favorite haunt, Deep Groove in Brunswick, became a cherished ritual.

When an opportunity arose for the perfect location in Ellsworth, Matt knew it was meant to be. With a dream to create a sanctuary for music lovers, he embarked on a journey to open Vinyl Vogue, a vibrant record store offering a diverse selection of quality vinyl, guitars, accessories, and music-related gifts.

Lacking the financial resources to launch such an ambitious venture, Matt turned to the power of community. Through crowdfunding and the incredible support of friends, family, and music enthusiasts from around the world, his vision slowly became a reality.

To pay forward the kindness he received, Matt has committed to donating 10% of Vinyl Vogue's profits to support local school music programs, ensuring that the next generation can experience the transformative power of music.

After months of hard work and unwavering determination, Vinyl Vogue is set to open its doors in Spring 2024 (late April/early May). This labor of love is a testament to Matt's passion for music and the enduring spirit of a community that rallied behind a shared dream.

Welcome to Vinyl Vogue, where music comes alive.

Sonic Treasures: Explore the Gems of Our Vinyl Collection

The Power of Community: Our GoFundMe Journey

Vinyl Vogue is a true testament to the incredible power of community and the boundless generosity of music lovers worldwide. From the very beginning, this project has been driven by the unwavering support of individuals who believe in the transformative potential of music.

Through our GoFundMe campaign, we have already raised an astonishing $1,400, and the donations continue to pour in. But the journey doesn't stop there. With countless contributions of inventory from our local community and the incredible kindness of strangers, we've been able to secure a space, paint walls, build record bins, hang shelves, and even purchase a cool sign and retail displays.

However, we still have approximately $7,500 in expenses to cover before we can open our doors and welcome you into our vibrant music haven. Every contribution, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to realizing our dream of creating a sanctuary for music enthusiasts in Ellsworth.

Matt Manry, the visionary behind Vinyl Vogue, is overwhelmed by the outpouring of support. "I am so grateful for the kindness and support everyone has shown," he says. "I can't wait to pay everything forward by making a huge impact in the local community through the power of music."

Join us on this incredible journey by contributing to our GoFundMe campaign. Together, we can create a space where music comes alive, where memories are forged, and where the next generation of musicians can find inspiration.

Your support means the world to us, and we can't wait to welcome you to Vinyl Vogue, a labor of love made possible by the incredible generosity of our community.

Giving Back: Nurturing the Next Generation of Musicians

At Vinyl Vogue, we believe that music has the power to enrich lives and bring communities together. However, we recognize that not every aspiring young musician has the opportunity to explore their passion due to financial constraints.

As the owner, Matt Manry, recalls from his own childhood, "I was lucky enough that my parents could afford for me to be in band and play guitar. But I had friends who wouldn't even ask their parents because they didn't want to be a burden. I hated the feeling of knowing that someone wanted to play something and was not able."

This profound experience ignited a desire to make music education more accessible to all. That's why Vinyl Vogue is committed to donating 10% of its profits to support local school music programs.

By investing in these programs, we aim to provide the resources and equipment necessary for young musicians to unleash their creativity and tap into the transformative power of music. Whether it's purchasing new instruments, funding music lessons, or supporting extracurricular activities, our contributions will help ensure that no child's passion for music goes unfulfilled.

Music has the ability to transcend boundaries, inspire generations, and bring people together. At Vinyl Vogue, we are dedicated to nurturing the next generation of musicians, one note at a time.

Join us in this mission by supporting our store and helping us make a lasting impact on the lives of aspiring young artists in our community.